Caity's Spot To Be

Live Life To The Fullest. Never Let Your Dreams Die!

Wednesday, June 28, 2006


I am so mad at myself! I missed my freakin science provincial!Now I have to wait until August to write it! But I'll live, all I can do now is register for the august exam and take it. I guess I will have extra time to study, maybe I'll even get a B on the provincial. I have to look at the posative side of this. If anyone wants to do something this summer give me a shout. Bye kiss kiss Caity

Monday, June 26, 2006

Weekend O'Fun

So this weekend I went to Red Deer and Elerslie( just outside of Edmonton) for 2 dance competition. I had so much fun. I didn't win anything in Red Deer but I did dance really well, I was happy with the way I danced. I did buy my common welth promise ring,when you are single you wear it one way and when you aren't single you wear it the other way, needless to say I'm wearing it the single way. We ate at east side marios and it was great I love their food but it made me feel sick this time. But I got over it and danced the next day. Yesterday I decided that I was going to compete just to be happy,I was going to dance just because I love to dance. I got 2 fourths ($30) and I was so happy I'm not usually happy when I get 2 fourths but I was! I love dancing becuase i'm happy to do it. I used to but then just got too much into the winning!
Chelci and I took pics of some hott guys in kilts I'll put them up later bye kiss kiss.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Back In Time

<-------That is the scary man!
So today Shauna, Shayla and I went to visit Parkland! It was insane I hadn't been in there since I picked up my report card last year! We got to the parking lot and I was just about to say where are all the smokers when I remembered we weren't at Baker lol it was funny. We had a long LONG talk with Mrs Galvin, that was joyous except for the fact that we talked about math the entire time but that's ok. We also saw Lenard and OMT I can't remember her name but my french teacher from last year. We were then kicked out by Clarkston the principle,but that's ok classes were already starting and we didn't want to disterb them. Then we walked down to the embrodery place and it seemed like it took forever! After that it was to Baker park where we went on swings and my big toe was all weird and it felt SO strange! Ewww and Devon showed up at the park it was nasty. The three of us also showed ourselves through the ages MAN I WAS UGLY! but it was great.We then walked downtown and went into shoppers and looked around. Shauna and I found lots of stuff to laugh at in there and it was grand! We then had a bubble blowing competition which I won!!!It was so big that it got stuck on my sun glasses hehe.We all took our different buses home and are probably going tothe movies tonight it shall be grand. I also got my book I'm so happy. It is the last book in a trilogy and I've been waiting for it to come out for a year!!! And i have it I'm so happy!! I h2g right now bye kiss kiss

Monday, June 19, 2006


The day didn't start out with the thought of icecream in my head but it soon would.I got to school and did a French exam it was crappy! I didn't understand this one bit so it was bad. Then we got to watch some videos that people in our class made. Kevins was hilarious i loved it!!! Then we had gym. Shauna and i had a grand time. We made sheep out of cotton from the cotton trees. I named mine Barbra. Shauna had a GRAND idea. We should go get icecream she says. First we tried to sneak off while Lowen and Colburn weren't looking but Cody saw us and said HEY WHERE ARE YOU GOING? so we stopped and made it look like we were looking for more cotton.So that plan was busted. Shauna wanted to give Heidi her sheep so we walked over.Then she thought we would go and see if Heidi,Heather and Will wanted to go get icecream! We went over and begged Lowen and Colburn!I even offered them Barbra! But they said no. So we checked the place that was really close but the lady didn't have any ice cream and i almost cried! but then they finally let us go if we held hands while we crossed the street and looked both ways.So we did we ran and held hands but the second street we got to we didnt' and i yelled i don't feel safe so shauna held my hand! woot. We got there and got 2 liters of ice cream it was so yummy. We got such a buzz and became the sister hood of the icecream. We went to planning and really bugged rod and it was great. and yea it was great. I h2g now bye kiss kiss y'all Caity
PS i like yellow it makes me happy

Friday, June 16, 2006

The Adventures of Turtle-Man and Donkey Boy!

This is the first adventure of Turtle-Man and Donkey Boy!
The two aren't really very good friends but when it comes to crime they work together to figure it out. Even though they don't really solve crimes......or even work on crimes they just do stuff.
One day while Donkey Boy was sitting on his bed "playing" Halo when his phone rang. He slowly walked towards the phone and answered it. "Hello?"
"Hello D-B this is T-M!"
"Hey man, what's up?"
"Not a lot just going to get drunk or play some baseball"
"Sweet, I'm playin Halo, wanna do something?"
"HaHa yea!"
The two boys took off. They didn't know what they were going to do but they decided to do something. Slowly but surly they made it to DQ.
"I like icecream it's yummy!" commented Turtle-Man
"I like it too, it makes my tummy go 'YAY' " said Donkey Boy
They ate icecream together and had a most joyous time.

The End

Why Do We Even Try?

Why do you even try. That is my question! You like a boy, he flirts back, you think maybe he likes you, then you find out that none of it was true and he will never like you back. Ok maybe never is a long shot, but it's quit plosible that he will not like you. I know I write a lot of blogs about boys that I like and about how I'm mad at a boy. This is the story of my life right now! Having usless crushes is so dumb and I am completly sick of it! I know there is nothing to do but it's frustrating! Well I think that may be all i have to say on the matter.Bye kiss kiss Caity

PS. The turtle is a joke about a boy. You know nothing about it but it is tres funny! good bye now.

Thursday, June 15, 2006


Ok I was on msn, and who should be on but the guy I like! I was so happy, in my head I was doing a little happy dance because we don't really talk all that much at school. So we are talking and it was actually getting to be a pretty good convo (even though is was just starting). Then I asked a Q and I was waiting for him to answer and I'm waiting and waiting and waiting then I look and it says I'm not signed in! So I try to reconnect but do you think that works?! NO! And then when I finally do get on he's not there anymore :( I was so upset. It's just not fair! But I guess life's not fair. I have nothing more to say really. bye kiss kiss y'all

As to the picture above it is a donkey. I had no other pic to put up and this one makes me chuckle. So that is a donkey. Heather and I have named it Gilley. If any of y'all get this then good job lol but I don't think many people know. Now I am finished!


I love Smiles! Not just the kind on mouths but the potato smiles! You know the ones I'm talking about, they are like fries but they are in the shape of happy faces. Whenever I eat them I can't help but smile! They taste so yummy and they look so happy.
Happy is what I have been lately! I have been smiling so much that even when my face is relaxed I still look happy. I really don't know what I am so estatic lately but I am and I love it! I wish I could always be like this!!!I dont' really have lots to say, infact I think I'll just say good bye and leave. I love y'all bye kiss kiss!

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

The Purple Crayon!

The crayon colour that is nice is purple. You may not know why I think purple is a nice colour for crayon and I don't yet know if i will post it on here or not. By the end of this entry you might know that's all I can say. Think of the things you can colour with purple. There are blueberries,grapes,tinkie-winkie,flowers,......shirts. There are many good things that are purple. Most people think that purple is the gay colour but when someone can look so good in purple i don't think it is the gay colour cause it's quite awesome. Boys are very purple crazy like they don't like purple. When they actually go and wear it it makes me happy because they are being different lol. Well since no one really reads this anyways I guess I can just say what I'm talking about. The purple crayon is Zach, he was wearing this shirt and Heidi and I decided he looked like a purple crayon. So now y'all know and that is all. I'm leaving now bye kiss kiss

Sunday, June 04, 2006


So yesterday am and i went to the park yesterday and when we were walking back there were these guys playing tennis. Sam and i were talking about it so not being hot enough to not be wearing shirts, then the guys started going "hey hey hey" "hey hey hey pigtails" "where you goin?"(i had my hair in pigtails) and they just kept talking to us and i was just like "sam lets just go home" and we started laughing so much. It was a great time at the park. And this was really short i'm out now bye kiss kiss y'all