Caity's Spot To Be

Live Life To The Fullest. Never Let Your Dreams Die!

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Camp And Back

(that's pine lake camp)
Well as most of you know I went up to camp this weekend. Jenn I left at 5:45. It was an eventful weekend. I got to see all of my freinds and my cousins. The trip up was great. Jenn and I listened to music and joked around the whole time. We had such a hard time trying to get into the Oakatoks Wal-mart i went in the out door lol. Then we couldn't find the air fresheners and when we did find them we realised they had been right there the whole time :P. When we got to camp it still felt so much like home! I saw people as I said and went shopping. I got like 7 new tops haha and a book at 2 cds! it's so exciting. We went back to camp on Saturday night and just visited I heard about pog troubles and pokemon card problems...."that's not a pokemon card thats a sticker" haha that was so funny. I told Chewie about lawn wars it made him chuckle:P I really want to know why i'm not working at camp this summer there has to be a reason but what that reason is i'm oblivious! The ride home was fun too Jenn and I listend to music and just laughed alot. I h2g now bye kiss kiss y'all

I almost forgot one of the funniest moments of the whole weeked. We were going into town for dinner and a bunch of the guys jumped on the van. They wanted a ride to the whispering pines and they were like on the back and on the roof. it was great bye (the pic is what it looked like out the back window)

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

What A Week!

Well I say it has been quite the week! I have been working so much! Like 2 8 hour sifts and a couple 6.5 hours. I have found a cute boy in town, I don't know if I have mentioned him yet but he works at the theatre as Heidi and Heather know, he's extremly cute and like all other guys I have liked has completely no interest in me. I have become acustomed to this horrible predicemint though. I went to my uncles wedding this past weekend. It was great to see my cousins again. Adam and Shay have gotten so big! Adam is going to be 13 on thursday and Shay is 10! I also met my new cousin Andrew he's 11, and his mom Julie is my new aunt. One of the cousins who isn't my cousin but Andrews cousin kept looking at me and like kinda following me and it was creepy and he wasn't very cute lol:P One girl totally likes Adam and he's oblivious. Today at work I was singing a jingle about a big mac and it made roberto laugh and when I went to get one of my other things he was singing about it it was hilarious! It was a really long shift today I thought I would die. Here's a pic of Me,Shay,Jenn,Adam(tall blonde),and Andrew. bye kiss kiss Caity

Thursday, July 13, 2006


Well I am now a working girl! And it's not so bad. I showed up yesterday in my uniform and went to the staff room, i sat down and this guy moved over so i could sit and then slowly but surely everyone moved over to the other side of the room and i was left alone :( Once I started training it was alright. I started on fries and it's not very hard so after a 1/2 hour of that i started till. Till is actually fun its all touch screeny and kool.I found out that the edges of mcnugget sauces can be sharp, i didn't cut my self but that's what Ryan (my trainer) said. Many other things were learned and i don't know what to say. o i took orders by myself and only messed up a couple times!!! yay ok i h2g bye kiss kiss y'all

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Long Week

Such a long week indeed so much has happend and if you read my last one then you know all about it. Boot camp is starting tomorrow i don't know what it's going to be like, but i know it will have a lot of running and sweating yuck. One day an actual army man is coming :S lol but only for one day. I got more work today. On thursday I am helping scott and liz paint a house that should be interesting. They rock my socks :) they are paying my $9 an hour! i'm going to get my mp3 soon i hope :D yay i can't wait. i'm going to get it i can't wait! i baby sat yesterday it was quite fun. I babysat alec hackett and i had a blast. we coloured and played with waterguns and sang lots of songs and it was fun. But ewww he went to the washroom and i had to wipe his bum and clean out his potty i was like yucky yuck yuck! and i cna't go to my friends b-day party i am so completly sad! i have boot camp at 8 the next morning so i can't sleep over and my rents don't really want to drive out to pick me up at like midnight. but i think i shall end this now bye kiss kiss y'all

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

I got a job!!

(this is jason dunn the total hottie from hawk nelson telling a joke!)
That's you didn't read it wrong I got a job!!! At McDonalds haha. I start tomorrow at one for my orientation! I can't believe it! So I'm a little nervous but that's ok i'll do fine. The manager said he wanted me to work the front,because I have a good smile and seem to be a people person. So this is very exciting.

The End Of A Trilogy.

(pic is 3 of us dancers in Penticton)
So I finally finished the last book in the trilogy I've been reading. It was so good! They are deffinatly my favorite books. I was so sad when it was over though, I loved the ending but I wish there had been a bit more.Everything ended up swell in the end and I was most happy. On a different note: I went to Penticton for a dance competition. I danced really well and got a 5th in the Sean Triubhas and a 3rd in the Laddie. I was so proud! And I don't get medals anymore, with those placings I got $30, not too shabby. I'm only $5 richer though because I had to pay Jane for a pair of shorts for boot camp.
McDonald's called me back. Looks like I might be a worker in blue soon, which is a good thing and a bad thing. There are so many people that work there that I don't want to work with, but I'm sure I'll survive.I'm calling today to see about the job. Nothing else has really happend lately so I'm gonna go bye kiss kiss Caity!