Hard to let go....
As you would know if you read this Devon and I aren't friends anymore. Today I deleted all our convos and all the emails he sent me,I put the pic he gave me in my memory box and I think that's where the two letters he sent me are going to go too. Most of you don't know that I deal badly with change. I'm having a really hard time letting him go.We were such good friends,I'm really happy right now like a huge wait has been lifted. At the same time I don't know what to do. I have been through so many friends (Jenn you'll know this). In grade 6 my friends who had been my best friends some since grade 1 decided I should find some new friends,I went to Parkland middle school and all my friends from Amy (elementry school)went to Laurie middle school. I got to parkland and found I had no friends there so I had to make new ones.This didn't take me too long maybe a month or so. Then in grade 9 I didn't click with them as much as in grade 8. I still hung out with them though.So in grade 9 I made a few newer friends like Devon and Sam. But now Devon has also said he doesn't want to be my friend anymore and Sam I dont' feel like we get along as well either. I just don't know what it is with me and friends,why can't I keep them? I'm just being my self around them and there's nothing wrong with that. If they can't like me for who I am then I agree they shouldn't be my friends,but I need friends. I can't survive with out them. Sure I have a few but how long are they going to last for this time?
Are they only here for a little while or for a long time?Do people just not like me?Is there something wrong with me?I dont' know how many more "friendship breakups" I can go through you know,a person can only go through so many! I'm just sick of this. Will I ever know a "real friend"?bye kiss kiss
Dora!! You are an amazing person and your true friends know and love you for that! Everyone goes through this, but I know that doesnt make it easier! Remember that there are always people who love you! Praying for you always...
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