Caity's Spot To Be

Live Life To The Fullest. Never Let Your Dreams Die!

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Hard to let go....

As you would know if you read this Devon and I aren't friends anymore. Today I deleted all our convos and all the emails he sent me,I put the pic he gave me in my memory box and I think that's where the two letters he sent me are going to go too. Most of you don't know that I deal badly with change. I'm having a really hard time letting him go.We were such good friends,I'm really happy right now like a huge wait has been lifted. At the same time I don't know what to do. I have been through so many friends (Jenn you'll know this). In grade 6 my friends who had been my best friends some since grade 1 decided I should find some new friends,I went to Parkland middle school and all my friends from Amy (elementry school)went to Laurie middle school. I got to parkland and found I had no friends there so I had to make new ones.This didn't take me too long maybe a month or so. Then in grade 9 I didn't click with them as much as in grade 8. I still hung out with them though.So in grade 9 I made a few newer friends like Devon and Sam. But now Devon has also said he doesn't want to be my friend anymore and Sam I dont' feel like we get along as well either. I just don't know what it is with me and friends,why can't I keep them? I'm just being my self around them and there's nothing wrong with that. If they can't like me for who I am then I agree they shouldn't be my friends,but I need friends. I can't survive with out them. Sure I have a few but how long are they going to last for this time?
Are they only here for a little while or for a long time?Do people just not like me?Is there something wrong with me?I dont' know how many more "friendship breakups" I can go through you know,a person can only go through so many! I'm just sick of this. Will I ever know a "real friend"?bye kiss kiss


Blogger lilo said...

Dora!! You are an amazing person and your true friends know and love you for that! Everyone goes through this, but I know that doesnt make it easier! Remember that there are always people who love you! Praying for you always...

7:48 AM  

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