All Over
Les mis is oficially over. Sadly. I think it was one of the best times of my life. Unfortunatly it caused me to miss a lot of dance, that makes me rather sad but hey I'm a hard worker I will get back to my best if not better.
The play was amazing. We even made Cranny history :P ours was the first show to be held over for another night on popular demand!! I am so proud that I was in it! The other people in the show did an awesome job. Props to Tyrel he was fanonimal and he was sick too! I am so happy, my first Baker play :D I have been waiting for like.....ever and a day to be in one and I was! Next year I'm trying out for both of the plays; The Music Man and The Sound Of Music. Amy thinks I would make a good nun, but I personally would love to be one of the kids I think that would rock! The pic that I put up is me(obviously!) at the cast party. That night was so grand. Shaman(sp?) sang his condom song, and did some other very.....interesting things, like randomly running into the "forest" and taking off his shirt it was so random! We sat around the fire and just sang it was great. I'll be putting the pics up on my photobucket soon so y'all can check it out.
Today I decided to look very pretty and I wore my white sundress. My mom gave me grape juice for lunch. I'm sure y'all can see what's coming. Beau bumped me and the grape juice spilled :( I had to walk around for 1/2 of the day with grape juice on my white dress, it was so emabarrassing:(. But my mom got all of it out so w/e. I really have nothing else to say well let me think...YES I DO!
I brought my book I got in like grade 6 to school today. It's a daydreams and doodles book you write down your day dreams. Well I got this thing back when I had a massive crush on Talon. I wrote a lot of stuff I regret and I wanted to show some of my friends. Well someone was reading it out loud and who should start walking down the hall? TALON. I was like omt this is horrible so I grabbed the book from the kid and Talon gave me like the weirdest look and I was like omt he probably thinks I still like him! It was horrendous(sp?). That's about it. Bye kiss kiss y'all
sounds like life is pretty interesting. Conrats on the successful play that you were in.
I love you Dora and I miss you!
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